Tuesday, 11 March 2025 - 09:41 pm

One Call Can Solve all your Garage Door Problems

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Garage Door Panel

Questions and Answers

How do I create a DIY garage door panel insulation?
The stores nearby aren’t selling those ready-made garage door insulation panels so I am looking for a safe DIY solution… Can someone tell me one? I have heard you can make it with styrofoam boards?

Posted by Henry

Admin: If you plan to use styrofoam boards, be very careful as they really break with a heavy touch.

As for my advice, measure the size of your garage door panels first. Be precise and be accurate as much as possible so that you can avoid wasting your boards. You can use polystyrene foam boards (the ones used in starbucks plastic cups I think) for this, but make sure that you are doing exact measurements by using a ruler. Write your measurements (Length x Width) on a piece of paper just to make sure you won’t get them wrong

Once you are done, cover one side of your polystyrene foam with aluminum foil, and also cover the sides of the board to avoid them chipping out after you place foil. After covering your boards with aluminum, stick these DIY blocks of aluminum-covered polystyrene foam in each of your


Where Can I Find Replacement Garage Door Panels?
Being the idiot that I am I backed out of the garage too quickly and hit the bottom panel of my garage door. Can anybody recommend either a place in or near Madison, WI that I can buy just the bottom panel.

I would also be happy with any recommendations for any online stores I could buy the panel from. I’d rather pay shipping then replace the whole door. Thank you.
Update: I searched all over the door and couldn’t find any brand name on the door or hardware. I know the door is at least 15 yrs old. It is wood with 4 panels from top to bottom. Each panel is 9 ft wide, 21″ high and 1″1/4 thick.

Posted by Eric

Admin: I’d suggest you contact a local overhead door company to see about replacing the damaged section. You don’t specify the overall width of the door opening, but if it is a double door unit, you will need the panel delivered. If they’re already there it wouldn’t cost much more to have them replace it. This is an easy fix if the matching panel is available. Good luck.